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Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/stephe1/public_html/forum/rss.php:55) in /home/stephe1/public_html/forum/rss.php on line 4 : How to reduce CPU utilisation ?Thread 'How to reduce CPU utilisation ?' on General Project Forum BrooksOddly someone asked for a "CPU % throttle" feature that was going to go in way back in version 3.06 or something, but no-one else showed any interest at the time. I was just recently thinking about it again and assumed that modern CPUs have thermal throttling built into them so won't overheat laptops. Obviously I was wrong!<BR><BR>I can either build this into the next version as a config.txt option, or put a link to threadmaster under the download on the website..., 05 May 2005 07:21:26 +0000[TA]JonBThe only time I run the graphical version is when I'm trying to recruit someone to run DPAD. It shows graphically what I can only vaguely describe. I stopped running DPAD on my laptop long ago. Didn't like the fan running all the time, didn't like the super short battery life and it was burning my leg., 05 May 2005 04:37:34 +0000Zephirok <img src="" alt="Frown" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin::(-->, 03 May 2005 06:29:53 +0000Stephan202As far as I know, what you want is not possible., 03 May 2005 06:14:56 +0000Zephirthank you for threadmaster, i will test it, i think it's what i was looking for.<BR><BR>i still have the first problem.<BR>I know "alt tab" but it isn't what i search.<BR>I search a way to keep the graphic version on my screen but not in full screen. I just want to reduce the window, not necessary to put it on the systemstray. I have tried "alt enter" keys but it seems have no effect..., 03 May 2005 02:53:30 +0000PendragonXIIIAbout your second problem:<BR><BR>The only way i know is to use a tool to limit the amount of cpu-cycles used by Muon. I only ever found one piece of software that does this.<BR><BR><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A><BR><BR>I never used it myself, but i understand this works perfectly. (i keep it bookmarked for a hot summer <img src="" alt="Smile" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin::)--> ), 03 May 2005 01:09:56 +0000white_pantherto switch between muon1.exe full screen and other programmas use the "alt-tab" keys<BR><BR>the problem with the other..... i don't know, 02 May 2005 15:37:08 +0000LaguHallo Zephir<BR><BR>You must stop muon1 and then start it in cmdline mode. Click om cmdline and it will start in a dos window, but you can minimise it and run it in the taskbar. If you will close it you can use task manager.<BR><BR>Hope it helps.<BR><BR>Lagu <img src="" alt="Smile" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin::)-->, 02 May 2005 14:44:24 +0000Zephirhi,<BR>i find this project quite interesting and i have been trying it since yesterday.<BR><BR>But i have some problems:<BR>--&gt; i run muon.exe and not the background or the commandline version of muon because I think it more beautiful lol.<BR>nevertheless, i think that the commandline version is faster...<BR>So, i run muon.exe but it is running in fullscreen and i would like to do many others things when i'm running muon so how can I reduce the DOS window but not close and quit muon?<BR><BR>--&gt; i am on a ladtop and when i'm running muon or any other grid computing program, my cpu is using at 100%.<BR>On a desktop, it isn't a big problem but on a ladtop yes !<BR>The temperature is increasing quickly and my ventilators become mad lol<BR>So do you know any means to reduce or to block the cpu usage to a certain % ?<BR><BR>Thx a lot for the answers<BR>(excuse my bad english: i'm fench), 02 May 2005 13:17:00 +0000