Optimisation of the RAL Muon Front End Design

Designs considered
Decay channel with chicane
Decay channel with phase rotation, cooling
Tracking code
Optimisation approach
Future work
…and issues still to be solved

Design Components
Pion to muon decay channel
Accepts pions from the target
Uses a series of wide-bore solenoids
“Phase rotation” systems
FFAG-style dipole bending chicane (2001)
For short bunch length à 400MeV muon linac
31.4 MHz RF phase rotation (2003)
For low energy spread à ionisation cooling ring

Pion to Muon Decay Channel
Challenge: high emittance of target pions
Currently come from a 20cm tantalum rod

Pion to Muon Decay Channel
Challenge: high emittance of target pions
Currently come from a 20cm tantalum rod

Pion to Muon Decay Channel
Challenge: high emittance of target pions
Currently come from a 20cm tantalum rod
Solution: superconducting solenoids
S/C enables a high focussing field
Larger aperture than quadrupoles
Basic lattice uses regular ~4T focussing
Initial smaller 20T solenoid around target
30m length = 2.5 pion decay times at 200MeV

Chicane Phase-Rotation

RF Phase-Rotation
31.4MHz RF at 1.6MV/m (2003 design)
Reduces the energy spread 180±75MeV to ±23MeV
Cavities within solenoidal focussing structure
Feeds into cooling ring

Muon1 Particle Tracking Code
Non-linearised 3-dimensional simulation
PARMILA was being used before
Uses realistic initial p+ distribution
Monté-Carlo simulation by Paul Drumm
Particle decays with momentum kicks
Solenoid end-fields included
OPERA-3d field maps used for FFAG-like magnets in chicane (Mike Harold)

Muon1 Tracking Code Details
Typically use 20k-50k particles
Tracking is done by 4th order classical Runge-Kutta on the 6D phase space
Currently timestep is fixed at 0.01ns
Solenoids fields and end-fields are a 3rd order power expansion
Field maps trilinearly interpolated
Particle decays are stochastic, sampled

Optimiser Architecture
How do you optimise in a very high-dimensional space?
Hard to calculate derivatives due to stochastic noise and sheer number of dimensions
Can use a genetic algorithm
Begins with random designs
Improves with mutation, interpolation, crossover…
Has been highly successful so far in problems with up to 137 parameters

Decay Channel Parameters
12 parameters
Solenoids alternated in field strength and narrowed according to a pattern
137 parameters
Varied everything individually

Phase Rotation Plan
Chicane is a fixed field map, not varied
Solenoid channels varied as before
Both sides of chicane
Length up to 0.9m now
RF voltages 0-4MV/m
Any RF phases
~580 parameters
RF phase rotation
Similar solenoids, phases (no field map)
RF voltages up to 1.6MV/m
~270 parameters

Results- Improved Transmission
Decay channel:
Original design: 3.1% m+ out per p+ from rod
12-parameter optimisation à 6.5% m+/p+
1.88% through chicane
137 parameters à 9.7% m+/p+
2.24% through chicane
Re-optimised for chicane transmission:
Original design got 1.13%
12 parameters à 1.93%
137 parameters à 2.41%

NuFact Intensity Goals
“Success” is 1021 m+/yr in the storage ring

Distributed Computing System
How do you run 3`900`000 simulations?
Distributed computing
Internet-based / FTP
~450GHz of processing power
~130 users active, 75`000 results sent in last week
Periodically exchange sample results file
Can test millions of designs
Accelerator design-range specification language
Includes “C” interpreter
Examples: SolenoidsTo15cm, ChicaneLinacA

Slide 17

Optimised Design for the Decay Channel (137 parameters)

Why did it make all the solenoid fields have the same sign?
Original design had alternating (FODO) solenoids
Optimiser independently chose a FOFO lattice
Has to do with the stability of off-energy particles

Design Optimised for Transmission Through Chicane
Nontrivial optimum found
Preferred length?
Narrowing can only be due to nonlinear end-fields

Future Optimisations
Chicane and RF phase rotation designs are starting to be run now
Initial results promising
Cooling ring later this year

RAL Design for Cooling Ring
10-20 turns
Uses H2(l) or graphite absorbers
Cooling in all 3 planes
16% emittance loss per turn (probably)

Unresolved Issues (to-do)
Solenoid field clipping distance
Need ‘solid’ solenoids for best accuracy
ICOOL has recently added these
New target dataset needed for 8GeV
Trying to get MARS
Possibility of target energy optimisation
Code could do with variable timesteps and/or error control

Target Area Losses
Muon1 modified to count lost particle energies
For a 4MW p+ beam:
35kW deposited in S1 (r=10cm)
Large >1kW amounts deposited up to S5
Added “collimators” to the simulation
Decreases losses to 10’s of watts in all but S1 and S2
S1 needs enlarging to accommodate an entire Larmor rotation
Consistent target-area layout is needed