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Display name: [DPC]white_panther
Posts: 153
Registered: 2005-09-06 16:08:50
Muon1 username: [DPC]white_panther

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Stats seem to have stoped working28[OcUK]diogenese / Stephen Brooks2015-08-25 10:58:44
avoid downloading the servers.csv file3[DPC]white_panther / Stephen Brooks2015-03-11 04:08:14
8Xc2 optimisation converged, replaced by 5Xc210Stephen Brooks2014-01-13 08:47:05
Project offline while I move to the US41Stephen Brooks / Dave Peachey2013-11-11 01:59:10 offline for 2-3 weeks15Stephen Brooks2013-03-26 16:52:44
problems with muon1.dyndns.org25[DPC]white_panther / Stephen Brooks2011-06-29 08:19:04
V4.45 can't send results11[DPC]white_panther2011-03-29 16:52:10
Other DC forums you use4Stephen Brooks / [DPC]white_panther2011-03-26 23:04:04
-35,000,000 points 45GOD / runesk2011-01-23 22:09:24
reproducing boinc (Boinc Wrapper) results?3[DPC]white_panther / Stephen Brooks2010-12-25 19:13:34
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