: projects : - - -

Technical Reports and Papers from my work.

Message boards: Muon1 Project Forum  Software here  General/Rubbish  Discuss things.

Miscellaneous: Black hole images  Obtained from tracing photons through warped space, done during my relativity course.
Distributed Particle Accelerator Design  (Now dormant).

Search site:
: images : - - -
: games : - - -

Browser Wars  4-in-a-row tournament by web browser

Colunms  Columnar challenge!

Tubetris  Cylindrical Tetrominoes.

NCGi website  A half-made Asteroids game.

Particle beam focussing game

: archive : - - -

3D Star Map
Cirieth Series
Decent Fractals
Dendrite Growth Simulation
File Segmenter
Gravity Simulation
Internet Mapper
Lights and Perspective
Local Backup
Lock Screen Images
Swirling Surface
Transfinite Number Line
Uptime Counter
: ss : - - -

Cube Sculptures
NCGi 3 Starfield
The Matrix

Duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy duckbendy.

: contact : - - -
E-mail: sbstrudel characterstephenbrooks.orgTwitter: stephenjbrooksMastodon: strudel charactersjbstrudel RSS feed26.84millionaccesses

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