stephenbrooks.orgMuon1 Distributed Particle Accelerator DesignUser Results
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Team (Ukraine) sorted by hours since last active in the last week

This project is not currently active.  The back-end is still running (for now) for hobbyists and people interested in running the software, but it is not working on anything significant.
NB: the main write-up of the project and its results is in Chapters 7 and 8 of my thesis.

All Optimisations Tab-separated stats list [updated 2020-Mar-23; 23:09 UTC]
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/stephe1/public_html/muon1/stats/main.php on line 319

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#UsernameMptsHours since last active ^
1. Death (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
2. ÔAndrey Fenchenko (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
3. Peret (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
4. Rilian (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
5. KoDAk (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
6. Nekto (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
7. Alexis Kravtchenko(Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
8. gow(Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
9. Ilya (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
10. LSA (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
11. varador(Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
12. Vvolodymyr (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
13. Victor Tsvirkun (Ukraine)0.0 (0)Unset
13 of 13 users active  0.0 (0)    
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